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A mission of Calvary Episcopal Church
1615 First St. Indian Rocks Beach, Florida
Hunger knows no boundaries
We provide food to about 300 individuals every month that feeds families totaling almost 700 people. Everyone who comes to the pantry has a different life story and is treated with respect. They travel from 32 cities by car, bus, bicycle, and some walk. They range in age from 18 to over 80 years old.
That is why we say our goal is: "fighting hunger, building communities."
Food Pantry News
The Beach Community Food Pantry (BCFP) is concerned with the health of our volunteers and clients.
The pantry will remain open and will offer pre-packaged groceries during regular pantry hours to reduce the risk of illness for all of us.
Click here to see BCFP's COVID-19 action plan.
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